Wednesday, February 06, 2008

It's All About the Need for Change, Making Change Really Happen.

(February 5, 2007 – Manila) – As much of the Philippines sleep and transitions into Wednesday, America, or 24 of its states are in a frenzy to select who will represent the Democratic and Republican parties come November, the presidential elections.

The Philippines, one of the more closest ally of the United States, a former territory U.S. territory from 1901 to 1946 watches closely the results of the party nominations.

The country is also home to almost half a million Americans and close to 2 million Filipinos call America as their home and so the relationship, the ties that bind the two countries remain important, reason for the keen interest on knowing who will be the next U.S. President.

The world is growingly concerned over the slowing down of the U.S. economy resulting into a possible recession and as America’s economic activity loses momentum, so goes the world’s economy.

The Philippines, having its trade relations firmly anchored on American purchases of good is also affected but thanks to a more stable and positive outlook, the country is expected to weather out an American economic slowdown.

Traditional economic remedies or measures for an economic slowdown is pump priming the nation;s infrastructure, investing on public works to help support and push the economy and create means to encourage business to crawl, pace and possibly be ready for another round of race, a race the Philippines has been left out in the last 30 years by once back water neighbors like Malaysia and Singapore.

Much of the Philipines exports to America are electronic parts such as semi-conductors, and agri-aqua products with the likes of sugar, coconut, poultry and other seme-prepared food stuffs.

America is also the Philippines biggest donor of aid for countryside development and of course, aid to upgrade a poorly equiped armed forces.

The list of wannabe candidates has been short listed this January as several states narrowed down those who has the greater chance of laying claim to the Whitehouse by January, 20, 2009 – the day, George W. Bush finally leaves office.

The Grand Old Party’s nomination is now narrowed down to John McCain, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney. McCain, a long-time Senator from the state of Arizona is touted as the most probable winner in today’s “Super Tuesday,” and at this early time, former New York mayor Rudy Gulliani, who withdrew from being nominated as President is being predicted to become McCain’s team mate and will run instead as Vice-President.

For the Democrats, the party is on a verge of making history with two contenders who represent what is called, “change,” in the American political landscape, something never imagined to possibly happen ias late as the seventies.

On one side is Illinois state Senator Barack Obama, possibly, the first African American to be nominated by the Democrats (and possibly the first African-American Presiddent should he be elected).

One side is Hillary Rodhan Clintom, former first lady to President Bill Clinton, a senator from New York and possibly the first woman to be nominated by the Democrats as Presidential candidate, and possibly the first woman President of the United States.

The candidacies of both Clinton and Obama are the first of its kind, something that is seen to usher in a completely radical change in America, who for a long time denied women equal rights and the right to suffrage and at the same time, treated African Americans indifferently, if not lacking humane dignity.

The subject of today’s entry is Hillary Clinton, the First Lady who would possibly become President and the hope that the lady brings into her campaign.

In the years of watching American politics, a number if not most Filipinos are leaning more towards the policies, ideologue of the Democratic party and as proven in some instances in the past, a Democratic leadership in the White House has a more professional and respectful treatment of the Philippines is being implemented compared to a more distant Republican party leadership when they are in-charge of the Oval Office.

A lot of critics frown and oppose the former First Lady's candidacy as some dubbed her as someone who will instead unite Republicans who roughly divided by the Bush administration.

Many also say they would want someone else and leans towards Obama, a fresher candidate who is still clean and innocent of the inner working of the Washington D.C. establishment.

Others dare say, they have become sick and tired of either seeing another Bush family member at the White House, a formula that failed and instead divided America and definitely they wouldn’t want the same formula with a Clinton scenario instead.

Mrs. Clinton has the real experience, and the politcal savy to make it good, the same way that her husband did when he took office after George Bush, Sr. in 1992.

Coming from a country who has had two women presidents, the first one we had was not all that bad, she was elected to transition the country back into democracy while the second woman president, is able to stabilize the economy but is haunted by political and personal intrigues – accusations that are fast becoming rhetorical and seemingly revealing a lot of deception behind everything this President does.

But in the case of Hillary, the woman has balls to make it and lead the world’s prime mover of democracy into a more stable economic condition. The moment she completes her swearing-in into office and the endless Presidential gala, Mrs. Clinton has what it takes to immediately manage America because she has been there before, she knows what she is doing better than any upstart prophet of change who lacks experience and who can wait and possibly learn more.

Like what it was 15 years ago when Bill Clinton took office, it still is the economy (minus the stupid) and if there is anyone who could bring the U.S. economy back on its feet, it's Hillary - who may have to clean up the mess left behind by the current administration and for certain - Hillary will be kinder to the Philippines and for Filipinos as a whole.

If there’s anyone who is better prepared – it’s Hillary!

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