Thursday, March 27, 2008

Earth Hour in the Philippines

The environment is now the most important cause I promote and in more recent times, there are efforts that show that we, as one, regardless of creed, color and religion, we can all show solidarity in saving the environment.

Nowadays, summer in the Philippines is hotter than usual and its not perhaps just a matter of perception. Each year of my graying life, the temperatures are higher during these times. It's more uncomfortable now in the heat and fact is I'm more happy with rain than sweating it out in the dry heat or worst humid days.

News reports coming out show moving pictures of islands in the Pacific sinking and Greenland, which is a misnomer, (more of pristine white ice) is actually turning green. These are stories and issues that tell us, something is definitely up.

I fear that in our lifetime, my generation that is, we will see a rapid change into an uncertain condition for the whole world and it might not be something everyone can cope with.

On March 29, the Philippines join the whole world for a cause - Earth Hour - and sadly, most media entities are busy with the lame politics that are plaguing the country more than promoting a global effort with a much bigger and wider importance and impact.

Below is a message sent via e-mail from friends at the World Wildlife Fund or WWF (not the wrestling group) promoting Earth Hour and I hope this spreads throughout the Philippines.

For once, this country, this nation and its people can do something more sensible than engage in petty politics, name calling, self promotion and their drive to promote their respective political ambitions - join the cause, be part of a symbolic act - one step at a time towards arresting a real threat for this planet.


EARTH HOUR in the Philippines - Turn OFF All Lights for an Hour

For One Hour, Let's Turn Off ALL Our
Lights and Reduce Power Consumption
MARCH 29, 2008 - SATURDAY - 8:00-9:00PM

On 29 March 2008 the Philippines will join countries around the world as we literally "turn the lights out" for Earth Hour - an event that will fuel awareness on climate change and prove that when the people of the world work together, they can make a difference in the fight against global warming.
Earth Hour will take place throughout the Philippines from 8 to 9 in the evening on Saturday, 29 March 2008. WWF invites you to participate by shutting off lights for 60 minutes, organizing your own "lights-out" event or by forwarding this mail to your friends, workmates and family.


Launched in Australia on the 31st of March 2007, Earth Hour moved 2.2 million people and 2100 businesses in Sydney to turn off their lights for one hour. This massive collective effort reduced the city's energy consumption by 10.2% for one hour.

With Sydney icons like the Harbour Bridge and Opera House turning their lights off and unique events such as weddings by candlelight, the world took notice. Inspired by the collective effort of millions of Sydneysiders, many major global cities are joining Earth Hour in 2008, turning a symbolic event into a global movement.

YOUR participation will go a long way in spreading the message that we, as individual droplets working collectively – can create an impetus far more powerful than the mightiest of rivers.

For more information, log on to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) Earth Hour page at: If you want to learn more about how else you can help make Earth Hour in the Philippines a success, reply to this email or drop us a line at (632) 920-7931, (632) 920-7923, or (632)920-7926

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